One of our favorite fall activities is do a day trip to go on a hike to see the fall foliage, and then go apple picking. We have tons of apples now (how can you not?!) And what to do with them? I'm always inspired by posts on Instagram, and in the same day, I saw 3 variations of Apple Roses, plus was send a DM with one too, so I was inspired! For most recipes you thinly slice the apples, roll them up into a flower and bake in a puff pastry shell. But, of course, I always prefer to make and enjoy a healthier version, so that these are really guiltfree (glutenfree, sugarfree, dairyfree) and can be enjoyed any time of day. Ever had "bressert" before? ;)
Preheat oven to 350°F. This is totally optional, you don't need to really bake it, unless you like it warm and the crust slightly crunchy. Cut out 8 rounds of parchment paper, to line the bottoms of each muffin tin cup.
To make applesauce, peel and core 1 apple and place in a steamer basket over 1/2" of boiling water. Cover and steam for 8-10 minutes until soft. Puree until smooth. You only need 1/2 cup applesauce mixed with 1-2 tsp maple syrup, and 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon for this recipe. Let cool before dividing evenly into the pie crusts.
In a food processor or herb chopper, process 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup pitted dates, 1/2 cup walnuts, 2 Tbsp water, 1 Tbsp coconut oil until a dough forms and the mixture holds together when you pinch it with your fingertips. Divide evenly into 8 muffin tin cups. With your fingertips, carefully press each one evenly into a shallow pie shell. Spoon the applesauce into each cup.
Prepare a large bowl with 2 cups of cold water and the juice of half a lemon.
Cut the cores off of 2 apples, then using a mandolin, thinly slice these evenly into half-moon pieces. Keep the cut pieces in the lemon water to prevent oxidizing.
Heat a frying pan with 1 Tbsp coconut oil. Drain the apple slices and carefully add them to the pan. Drizzle in 2 Tbsp maple syrup. Sauté until the apple is softened enough to be bendy, but not mushy. Transfer to a plate to let them cool enough to handle.
Lay about 10 slices down with the straight edges lining up, and overlapping slightly. Roll from the topmost slice into a flower, keeping the bottom edges lined up. Add more "petals" if necessary. Place into a filled pie. Continue with the rest.
If cooking, bake for 20 minutes, otherwise keep refrigerated until ready to serve.